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Labelling of Slides for Competition

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PTE is losing out to Irfanview and other presentation softwares for Competition use because of PTE's inability to be able to label slides/images for selective showing later on.

According to a Facebook report you can press "x" (in Irfanview) to mark a slide/image and at the end of the show press Ctrl or Shift and Q to replay the selected slides/images. 

I would imagine that this is difficult to achieve with an exe file but there might be another way around it. PTE needs to be more Competition Friendly and perhaps it is an area that could be investigated later on?


P.S. A suggestion that I made some time ago was to have a stripped down version of PicturesToExe without all of the Animation Bells and Whistles which would merely show the images which were inserted at a selected Project Resolution. Alternatively the show could be in a format created from the full version via the Publish Menu. The ability to present selected slides which were labelled "on the fly" would be essential.

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I have been using PTE for club competitions for years, but only for remote judging. Even then for it to be practical you have to have a good knowledge of PTE and make use of many of its options. For on the night judging, what Dave suggests would boost sales without a doubt

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We also have suggested this several years ago (Jill & John)

We always use PTE for projecting competition images on the night if we are operating (the Judge usually having had an exe file previously)
Using PTE in Project mode it is easy to preview the images - and bring up fullscreen preview at the end if the judge needs to have a final quick look.

At the moment the operator needs to keep a note of images NOT selected, then at the end of round 1 etc quickly remove those, leaving only the ones the judge has selected - time consuming & prone to errors.

To be able to press the Spacebar (easy to find in the dark!) when a slide has been selected by the Judge to be held would be a great advantage & I am sure would be taken up by many photographic clubs.

Another option which is used by Dicenta is the ability to keep scores,
So the operator would type in 15 or whatever score the Judge gives the image.
Then at the end of the round display all images with say 16 or above.



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I use it to run a multiclub competition where the competing clubs can select their second and third round images on the night from their declared bank of 13 images! To do this each club is given a reference letter and their images are numbered 01 to 13 so say A09 A07 A01 A12 could be selected.

The images are selected from the F3 lightbox view by double clicking in the order that they are to be projected so it might be A09, B12, C03, D07 etc till all the clubs have had their first image shown and then A07 B03, C01 etc etc.

The scoring has to be done manually on paper....now if there could be an easier way of doing this and keeping the scores for each image - that would be very useful.

Dicentra is used by a lot of clubs but each competition has to be set up prior to the evening but PTE gives a better picture and is easier to use for our type of competition.

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Finding a specific image in an exe is not a problem using a template set up for Competition with a menu with hyperlinks. I set up a "Home" button on each page so that returning to the menu from anywhere is possible. But you have go through the menu each time. 

Being able to right click and choose a specific slide would be a help but even then it might be tricky. If you have two introductory slides then image 91 would be something like slide 93. I also put blank slides between images so that the images would not dissolve into each other. A further complication.

Being able to scroll through pre-labelled slides would be a way forward.


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