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New Puzzle actions from PanosFX for slide styles


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My suggestion for using the puzzle action output for PTE is first to resize your images to no larger than perhaps 2000 pixels on the horizontal. The reason for doing this is to prevent an absolutely HUGE and impossible for many video cards and systems file size. What you will be doing is running the action which creates individual PNG puzzle pieces, then you will use the Photoshop "Files" "Scripts" "Export Layers to Files" as Transparency (check box) and uncheck Trim Layers. You need the full size of the untrimmed puzzle piece in order to be able to properly position the pieces for the assembled puzzle. Once you have all the pieces (suggested in a folder by themselves" then open PTE and create a frame in objects and animations. Add each puzzle piece except the background which you should add last and do not put it under the frame. Once all pieces are added you will have an assembled puzzle. You can then create keframes for each piece and move them from their assembled position anywhere and manipulate them (pan, zoom, rotate, 3D, etc.) but make your last keframe for each puzzle piece 100% on the zoom and zero on the Pan and Rotate. By doing this, all fying, spinning, rotating and moving pieces will proper align themselves at the end of the animation.

Best regards,


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AHA!  That's what I did with the example I posted on FB.  At first I'd thought I'd need trimmed png files and that was going to be a problem.  Then I read something you'd written about using full sized pngs in a puzzle animation you'd done in the past and things clicked.  I'll be playing around with assembling from outside in as well as inside out and having the puzzle assembled on different planes.  If I can get a clean enough style, I'll post it for others to try and to modify.  Must look at some of the other puzzle actions, too.  May as well attach that first try video here as well.  Might inspire others to do more elegant versions.


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I don't have Elements, but I suspect the if it works like Photoshop, you don't "Export" but rather click on "File" "Scripts" then "Export Layers to File" and if offered a choice do not "Trim Layers"...

Best regards,


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DG - Elements does have layers, otherwise the action for the puzzle would not work.


Lin - Elements does not have an option for scripts.  Remember it is a 'poor man's' version of Photoshop.  We cannot create actions either since that is another feature left out.

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