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Adobe moving stills


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Gary - no, they have added pseudo "perspective" to their process so they appear to have camera movement.  The problem is that they are hyping it as if it were magically transforming the still image into video. For some types of scenes it mimics what one would see were a video camera used and moved, but it falls far short in some of their samples, especially the ones which have water. Now if they could add rippling water it would be more believable.

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As with any "feature," whether or not one uses it and how often is an individual choice. Because it's there you don't have to use it. The essence is that it's a very sophisticated algorithm which looks at the totality of an image and decides how or if it can be made to appear as it might were a camera being panned, zoomed and moved. In that respect it's a significant achievement. Even features brought out years ago such as perspective cropping are mostly unused or not well understood by most PhotoShop users so this is just another tool for those who might like it.  

Best regards,


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