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Paint It - A Style To Be Developed Further

Lin Evans

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Hi Folks,
This is a style which I think offers some promise for further development. It's not difficult to do and if anyone wants to know how to do it, just respond and I'll explain in detail. This is a rough concept and it can be much improved if someone wants to take the time. PTE has some great features which lend themselves to things we have yet to explore in greater detail... So here's the style. Just load one or more 16:9 aspect images and apply.

Best regards,




Paint It.ptestyle

Paint It White Canvas.ptestyle

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A Sample Of How This Concept Could Be Used Along With Other PTE Possibilities. I Have No Creative Skills, But Perhaps One Of Our People With That Talent - Maybe Barry, Mur, Tonton, Or One Of Our Other Very Talented French Users Could Go With This Concept And Develop Other Styles??




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Hi Lin,

Nice effect. I wonder if a spray paint type of mask could be used to make realistic random shaped clouds? I remember a few years ago Igor made a really nice flying in clouds demo where the clouds are layered and zoom in towards the viewer. Will have to try that out sometime.


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Hi Tom,

Possibly, but the type mask I'm creating is to "reveal" rather than "create."  I think it might be possible to create effects that could be used in PTE using other software such as Photoshop, but I'll have to ponder for a while whether it would be efficaciously possible with PTE - at least at the present time - to act as an instrument of creation for that type animation. In a future version Igor has agreed to allow PTE to export a screen as a jpg and if that could be expanded to export a PNG complete with layers, then it opens all kinds of doors such as one thing which I would LOVE to see and that is the ability to "combine" styles. Right now if a style is applied to the result of a style, the original result is cancelled. So if I were to say create a style which created a sepia image from a color image, then applied a border and burred background to that product, the result would be a color image with a border and blurred background. By allowing PTE to export a screen to a jpg, which would convert the original sepia to a jpg rather than a manipulated in PTE sepia, the sepia with blurred background and border would be created.

Carrying this further, remember that in PTE 8, we could export text as a PNG preserving two layers - the alpha layer and the image. We lost that ability with PTE 9 because the improved text rendering made it functionally unnecessary. Now if in version 10, for example, we could export a multi-layer PTE creation as a PNG with the layers preserved, then we could apply another style to that and by copy/pasting the original keyframes we could combine multiple styles into new and more complex styles which would be a tremendously powerful feature.

Best regards,


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pardon d'intervenir dans vos créations .... quand je modifie la vitesse d'exécution du style lors de sa mise en oeuvre, il y a désynchronisation des mouvements de balayage de la main / déplacement du stylet révélant la photo

avez-vous fait le même constat? merci et encore félicitation pour votre créativité

sorry to intervene in your creations .... when I change the speed of execution of the 
style during its implementation, there is desynchronization of the sweeping movements
of the hand / movement of the stylet revealing the photo

did you make the same observation? thank you and congratulations again for your 

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Bonjour Petitsaxo,

Oui, avec ces styles de caractères où une combinaison de masquage vidéo est utilisée
avec les images clés, si la vitesse est modifiée, les images clés ne seront pas 
correctement synchronisées pour ce qu'elles contrôlent avec le masque. Il est 
peut-être possible d'ajuster les images clés en fonction de la quantité exacte 
d'augmentation ou de diminution du changement d'heure, mais il peut être difficile 
d'être exact. J'ai remarqué la même chose et suggère de ne pas changer la vitesse 
dans le style.

Meilleures salutations,


Hi Petitsaxo,

Yes, with these type styles where there is a combination of video masking used with keyframes, if the speed is changed, the keyframes will not have proper synchronization for what they control with the mask. It might be possible to adjust the keyframes by the exact amount of increase or decrease of the time change, but it may be difficult to be exact. I've noticed the same thing and suggest not changing the speed within the style.

Best regards,


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Hi Lin,

Thank you for this demonstration. Indeed, the use of a video mask is a possibility that needs to be explored further.
Personally, in the case of a complex animation like this one, instead of using a video mask I use the dynamic mask technique as I did with Brush Strokes styles in this post

I consider that using a dynamic filter offers more flexibility than a video and allows you to keep the synchronization of animations when the slide duration changes.
I explain (in French) how the dynamic filters on my site work on this page.


Best regards,


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